Online Free Spanish

By Meera Dolasia

Online Free Spanish

With the new school year starting a lot of you are probably also gearing up to pick up a new language - If it happens to be Spanish then you are in luck because this site will teach you in such a fun way that you will not even realize you are learning - The best part? It's totally free, so be sure to check it out right now.

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  • edmodo-y7uhdckgug
    edmodo-y7uhdckgug약 11년
    A good way to learn spanish
    • haleyastanton
      haleyastanton11년 이상
      Awesome! I'm taking going to take Spanish, and this will be so helpful! Thanks for pointing out this site, DOGO News! :)
      • ac146174
        ac14617411년 이상
        i like this website and my mom want's me to learn spanish so bad!
        • ac146174
          ac14617411년 이상
          my mom realy wants me to learn spanish so badly
          • nerdychick827
            nerdychick82711년 이상
            please forget my last review on this. i meant to say this... i learned more in my spanish class than at this site.
            • swimmergirl201
              swimmergirl20111년 이상
              My summer school doesn't carry spanish class so I would look into going onto it
              • nerdychick827
                nerdychick82711년 이상
                this was sort of fun I learned a lot more here than in Spanish
                • fadiva
                  fadiva11년 이상
                  That so cool
                  • kapayou
                    kapayou11년 이상
                    i wud luv 2 learn some spanish . i do already kno some but g2 learn more.
                    • santana44
                      santana4412년 이하
                      The most helpful thing on this website were the adds! When I clicked on games I saw barely any spanish games. Goodness Meera I am dissapointed. I spent an hour on the adds 2 seconds on the actual website

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